Isuzu 1993 "MOVE" The 30th Tokyo Motor Show Booklet (JA)

Isuzu 1993 "MOVE" The 30th Tokyo Motor Show Booklet Front Cover
This oversized (14 1/2" x 10") 20 page (including the covers) booklet introduces the VehiCROSS and XU-1 Concept SUVs. The first half covers their SUV line for the Japanese market, while the second half covers their box-truck line. Full color with several photographs.
Isuzu 1993 "MOVE" The 30th Tokyo Motor Show Booklet Pages 1-2


- ソーシャルハーモナイザー ISUZU -

理想の調和を追求し、人々の暮らしを、さらに豊かで ゆとりある未来へ運びます。


今、自動車産業は大きな変化の時を迎えています。 環境、エネルギー、経済問題など、全世界 的、全地球的な課題を捉え、進むべき新たな道の確立が求められています。こうした流れの 中 私たちISUZUは自らの得意分野であるRV 事業, CV (商業車)事業、そしてコンボ 事業に企業力を集中することを決意しました。 RV、CV 共に 「暮らしを運ぶ」ものであり、エン ジンを始めとするコンポーネントは、各種産業の発展に幅広く貢献するものです。私たちISUZU はこれら実績ある分野に独創的企業力を結集し、強化することで、より一層これからの社会に 貢献したいと考えます。
ISUZUは、 新しい気持ちで新しい力で、 次の時代に向かって力強い活動を続けています。

For the Future of People and the Earth

- Social Harmonizer ISUZU -

ISUZU is constantly in pursuit of the ideal harmony
between people, vehicles and the global environment, offering transportation
as a lifeline to a richer and more comfortable future.

  There is no doubt that the automobile industry is currently facing a time of great changes. Confronted by global-scale issues such as the environment, energy concerns and economic problems, each manufacturer has to establish new directions in which to proceed. In the midst of this worldwide trend, we at ISUZU have decided to focus our corporate energies on multi-purpose passenger vehicles (MPVs), commercial vehicles (CVS), and components, since these are the business fieleds in which we have the greatest strength.
  Both multi-purpose passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles serve the role of providing transportation as an integral part of people's lives, while components, including engines, contribute widely to the development of various industries. By focusing our creative energies on these fields where we possess experience and strength, we believe that we can make further contributions to society in the future.
  ISUZU is progressing resolutely toward the coming era, filled with a new spirit and new dynamism.

Isuzu 1993 "MOVE" The 30th Tokyo Motor Show Booklet Pages 3-4


時代は本質指向へ。 日常生活に根ざして、より実 用的で長くつきあえる物が必要とされています。 ISUZUはRVを単なる遊び車としてではなく「暮ら しの道具」としてより進化したクルマと考え、RV ならではの室内スペースと機能性を生かして、 実用に徹した車造りに取り組んでいます。 シンプ ルで飽きのこないスタイリング、快適なインテリア、 しっかりした走りの基本性能、確かな信頼性・ 耐久性、そして安全性・・・。 これらが生み出す「愛 着」 が ISUZUのRVの魅力です。 ISUZUは、 「愛着」あるクルマにこだわり、本質指向の人々 が求めるRVの、 新しい方向性を提案し、実現 してまいります。

Creating Deep Attachment
  People today are increasingly oriented toward the fundamental quality of the things around them. They expect the products they use in their daily lives to be more functional, and to have a long and valuable lifetime. ISUZU understands that MPVs (Multi-Purpose Passenger Vehicles) are not simply vehicles for leisure pursuits, but highly developed "tools for living." That's why, when we manufacture MPVs we concentrate on practicality including the utilization of interior space and high functionality, making full use of the inherent advantages offered by this class of vehicles.
  Simple styling you never get tired of, a comfortable interior, stable basic driving performance, assured reliability, durability and safety... With qualities like these, it's no wonder that people become attached to their ISUZU MPV. ISUZU is moving in a new direction to realize MPVs that fully meet the demand for fundamental quality, creating such deep attachment that people will never be satisfied with anything less.




Multi-Purpose Passenger Vehicles


VehiCROSS (logo)

2-20214 161
3450, 1785, 1620-AS VEHICROSSL4 1.6-liter gasoline Overall length: 3,800mm; overall width: 1,785mm; overall height: 1,620mm Reference exhibition vehicle


RVの世界を拡げ、新しい使い方と価値観を提案するグランドツアラー、 ISUZUのRV技術を結集したコンセ プトカーです。 スタイリングは「ワイルド&フレンドリー」をテーマに、たくましさと親しみやすさを両立。またカー ボンファイバーとアルミコンポジットの新フレームなどの採用で大幅な軽量化を実現。さらにロングストローク ダブルウィッシュボーンサスペンション、大径ナロータイヤ、超ワイドトレッド、ショートオーバーハングの採用 によって、乗り心地を含めた高速走行性と悪路走破性を、バランス良く高次元で融合させています。 加えて 新クリーンエンジン、220l大容量タンク、 ナビゲーションシステム等により、2人でのロングツーリングに最適 なパッケージングと性能を実現しています。

A New Generation Tourer with the Style and Driving Performance of an MPV
Introducing the VehiCross, a grand tourer which expands the world of MPVs and points the way to new horizons and a new sense of values. This concept car incorporates the very essence of ISUZU's MPV technology with the them of "wild and friendly," as seen in its unique styling which is powerful yet easily approachable at the same time. Thanks to various features including a new lightweight frame employing carbon fiber and aluminum composite materials, long stroke double wishbone suspension, large-diameter narrow tires, super wide tread and a short overhang, the VehiCross achieves a well balanced combination of handling both at high speeds and on rough roads, while providing a truly comfortable ride. And with its new clean engine, large-capacity 220- Liter tank, navigation system and other features, this vehicle represents the optimum packaging and performance for long distance touring by two people.


21世紀への提案 ISUZU 新クリーンエンジン。
ビークロスの新エンジンは4バルブのほぼ中央部に噴射弁を持つシリ ンダー内直接噴射方式で、シリンダー内の空気流動により混合気を制 点火プラグ付近には濃い混合気を、外周部には薄い混合気を配置 し、点火後は高速の火炎伝播でシリンダーの隅々まで完全燃焼を実 現しています。 直接噴射での混合気の成層化による完全燃焼は、従来 の吸気管噴射方式と比べ、燃焼室中央の混合気を濃くするため、NOX の発生を抑制します。 一方シリンダー外周部では混合気を薄めにしても 完全燃焼できるため、ノッキングやHC (炭化水素の発生を抑制します。 アクセルレスポンスも向上、さらにその優れた耐ノック性により、スーパー チャージャーを使用しても圧縮比を下げる必要がないため、1.6lの排 気量でも2.2lクラスの出力が達成できるなど、省資源、低公害 力強 さのすべてに卓越したポテンシャルを発揮します。


ISUZU's New Clean Engine-An Approach for the 21st Century
The new engine mounted in the VehiCross is a direct injection system, in which the injection valve is installed near the center of the four valves and controls the fuel air mixture by the air flow in the cylinder. By forming a rich fuel air mixture close to the spark plug and a lean mixture in the peripheral area, complete combustion is achieved in every part of the cylinder through high speed flame propagation after firing Complete combustion by direct injection and stratification of the fuel air mixture provides a more concentrated fuel-air mixture at the center of the combustion chamber compared with the conventional inlet manifold injection system, thus reducing NOx emissions. In the peripheral area, on the other hand, since complete combustion can be accomplished even with a relatively lean fuel air mixture, the occurrence of knocking and hydrocarbons is suppressed while acceleration response is improved. And thanks to the excellent knocking resistant characteristics of this engine, there is no need to lower the compression ratio even with a supercharger installed. As a result, a power output equivalent to that of a 22 liter class engine is realized with a displacement of only 14 liters. This innovative design offers superb all round potential in terms of conserving resources and reducing pollution, while still delivering plenty of power.

Isuzu 1993 "MOVE" The 30th Tokyo Motor Show Booklet Page 7

XU-1 (logo)


XU-1*V6 3.2 ガソリン 全長 44600 1600
XU-1*V6 32-liter gasoline*Overall length 4,460mm, overall width: 1790mm overall height 1,600mm*Reference exhibition vehicle

- 日常の使い易さと悪路走破性を両立 -

XU-1は週末のレジャーや小旅行はもちろん、通勤やショッピングなどにも気軽に使えるなど、RVの多目的 な使い方と価値観を提案します。 スタイリングのテーマは「ダイナミック&フレンドリー」シンプルでクリーンな 面と彫刻的なグラフィックス、力強いハイベルトラインと開放的なサイドガラスなど、 RVらしいたくましさと都 的なスマートさの融合を目指しました。 前後ドアはガルウィングタイプでステップ部分も手前に開くビルト インタイプとするなど、日常の使い勝手を追求した設計です。

An Urban-Type Multi-Purpose Utility Vehicle Combining Ease of Use in Daily Life with Rough Terrain Traversability
The XU-1 embodies the multipurpose applicability and benefits of MPVs, offering convenient transportation not only for weekend recreational activities and short trips, but also for commuting to the workplace and shopping. The theme of the styling of this vehicle is "dynamic and friendly." as seen in the clean and simple lines, the clear cut graphics, the powerful-looking high belt line, and the wide open areas of side glass. The aim here is to combine the chief characteristics of the MPV, creating a subtle harmony between strength and power on the one hand and a smart urban appearance on the other. The XU-1 has been designed with such features as gull-wing type doors and built-in extendable steps, pursuing ease of daily use. 


スペース効率を最大限に高める 「マックスパッケージ思想」を RVに展開。 ファミリーや仲間でのレジャー使用に最適なパッ ケージとしました。 インテリアデザインは解放感と包まれ感でバ ランス良くまとめ、 快適で安心感のある居住空間を実現してい ます。

A Spacious and Comfortable Interior Space Incorporating the Maximum Package Concept
ISUZU has developed the "maximum package concept as a means of optimizing space efficiency in MPVs. This enables the vehicle to be designed with the ideal package/equipment for leisure use with family and friends. The interior design is well-balanced with an open yet protected feeling, then realizing an interior space providing full comfort as well as a reassuring sense of security.

Isuzu 1993 "MOVE" The 30th Tokyo Motor Show Booklet Back Cover


〒140 東京都品川区南大井6丁目26番1号


Isuzu Motors Co., Ltd.
6-26-1 Minamioi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140 Japan
Omori Bellport A
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This booklet uses recycled materials.

All Isuzu images and captions are copyright Isuzu Motors Corporation and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

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