Isuzu 1997 JDM VehiCROSS Accessories

Isuzu 1997 VehiCROSS Accessories: Front

Isuzu 1997 VehiCROSS Accessories

Isuzu's offering of accessories for the Japanese market VehiCROSS far surpassed the items available for the US market. I'm not sure if this is because the original 1997 issue VehiCROSS was perceived to be lacking in available factory specifications, or if this is common practice in Japanese market vehicles. By the time the VX made it to the US, many perceived upgrades had been made (factory leather seats, larger-displaced/more horsepower engine, etc), however it seems unusual that the large offering of options in Japan was not carried over to the US. Understandably, items such as the Navigation system (keyed to streets in Japan) and the PAL VCR would not work in the US, but why didn't they offer simple items such as the wind deflectors and splash guards?

When you consider that less than two thousand VXes were sold in Japan in the 2 years they were offered, it seems odd that Isuzu would waste the tooling and production of accessories as an opportunity in the US, not to mention the additional revenue potential. In any case, view these images with awe and lust (most are no longer available on the Japanese market, and those that are convert to rather expensive options once imported to the US).

22.5 mm x 28 mm folded; Japanese Market ©1997 #03-3763-6481

Printing Code: 601010 9803 (presumably there are different codes based on release order)

Isuzu 1997 JDM VehiCROSS Accessories Page 1 (front cover)


目的に合わせて、趣味に合わせて、 VehiCROSSを自由に表現していく。 魅力的にドレスアップしていく。

More boldly than anyone else,
Comfortable all the way.

Where do you want to go and who do you want to take?
Express VehiCROSS freely according to your purpose and hobbies. Dress up attractively.
We have prepared a variety of items to make VehiCROSS unique to you.

Isuzu 1997 JDM VehiCROSS Accessories  Page 2
Isuzu 1997 JDM VehiCROSS Accessories  Page 3
Isuzu 1997 JDM VehiCROSS Accessories Page 4 (back cover)

Isuzu 1997 VehiCROSS Accessories Spread View

A Translation of Sorts

Way back when I first bought my VX, Isuzu's website had a complete segment on the VX (I now wish I had made a local copy as it is no longer available), including a price list of all the options. I contacted a friend in Japan who was nice enough to translate the list with pricing. Here are images of the handwritten notes.

Isuzu 1997 JDM VehiCROSS Accessories Price List 1
Isuzu 1997 JDM VehiCROSS Accessories Price List2

All Isuzu images and captions are copyright Isuzu Motors Corporation and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

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